
Friday, April 29, 2016

Extreme Survival

Earth is certainly a beautiful place and it is the only planet which holds the perfect atmosphere for the humans to live. Lets guess how many days/hours/minutes will you survive on the other knowns planets in this universe? Well you will surely appreciate your planet more when you look at how long you would survive unprotected around the solar system.

There's nowhere beside Earth where you could survive any longer than two minutes. Mercury and Mars are the only planet in the solar system where one can survive as long as you can hold your breath.

On the other planets like Sun and Venus, you will be instantly vaporised, or will be crushed by a pressure of a gas planet.

On Mercury the side facing the sun is super hot and the opposite side is super cold.

The Surface of the Venus is is 900 degrees Fahrenheit, hotter than a pizza oven.

Jupiter has no surface to land on, you would descend into its gaseous atmosphere until you are crushed by the pressure.

Feeling lucky? Well you must!

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